Winifred Graham

1874 - 1950
Also known as: Winifred Cory
Short Fiction
Winifred Graham, born 1874 and died 1950, was an author, an anti-Mormon activist, and the wife of Theodore John Cory (Bassett). In 1908, Winifred "became alive to ‘the Mormon peril’ and in a series of novels beginning with ‘Ezra the Mormon’ (it was only long afterwards that she described them as ‘anti-Mormon thrillers) she waged a single-minded and strenuous campaign against it. In later years she displayed a similarly uncomplicated interest in psychic phenomena” (Times [London]). Furthermore, "in 1919, Miss Graham was British delegate at the third World Christian Citizen Conference in Pittsburgh” (New York Times). She published an autobiography, the last volume of which was published in 1949, just one of the 88 books which she authored before she died in her home in at Hampton-on-Thames at 76 years old (New York Times). A short story, "The Little Girl in the Lace Frock" was published in The Strand in 1902 by a Winifred Graham. It is very likely that they are one in the same.
Further Reading
Bassett, Troy J. “Author Information.” At the Circulating Library: A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837-1901, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, 1 Jan. 2018,
Graham, Winifred. “The Little Girl in the Lace Frock.” The Strand, 1902, pp. 71–76.
"Miss Winifred Graham." Times [London, England] 6 Feb. 1950: 8. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 23 Feb. 2018. Gale,
Special to THE NEW,YORK TIMES. (1950, Feb 06). WINIFRED GRAHAM, AUTHOR OF 88 BOOKS. New York Times (1923-Current File). ProQuest,
- Isaac Robertson
- Olivia Moskot